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Thursday, May 24, 2018




All acquired images from digital camera were downloaded into the computer after flight mission. Each image was saved in jpeg file. The quality of images was checked before they were used in the processing stage. Some of the images might have some quality problem such as blurring image and colour balancing error which was caused during flight mission. These problems usually arise from the attitude of the UAV during flight. If the quality of all images were very bad, another flight mission might need to be done. However, in this study, all acquired images were in good quality and they were being preceded for the photogrammetric processing. UAV Processing software is able to process aerial images and to produce digital ortho-photo and digital elevation model (DEM) for the study area. Photogrammetric technique involves many processes such as interior orientation, relative orientation, aerial triangulation and bundle adjustment. Interior orientation requires the information of camera parameters including pixel size, focal length and principal points coordinates. All of these parameters were being defined before the processing stage. Relative orientation involved image correlation algorithm in order to transfer the tie points between images. Tie points were responsible to align all acquired images in the same condition in which the images were taken during flight mission. Ground control points were established during image processing in order to project the result into local coordinate system. Ground control points were collected by using Real Time Kinematic-GPS (RTK-GPS).

In the present work, some task are performed with the purpose to analyse the possibility of acquire and use nadir images for 2D mapping and 3D modelling and to perform measurements and analysis using photogrammetry on the UAV acquired images. Compared different software that follows different workflows, in order to evaluate their effectiveness and weaknesses. The accuracy of aerial data is directly related to the spatial resolution of the input imagery. The high resolution images from UAV can compete with traditional aerial mapping solutions that set on highly accurate alignment and positioning sensors on board. The acquired data were processed using different software tools: Agisoft Photoscan Professional Pix4D, arc map 10.3 and drone deploy. The entire process is carried out almost automatically by these software tools, based on algorithms of photogrammetry and computer vision (CV) that allow to process a large amount of images in a fast and easy way, with a limited influence of the user on the resulting dense point cloud. All lead to the images alignment, generation of dense point clouds and, subsequently, to the production of a triangulated mesh and to DEMs and ortho-photo extraction. Generally, the input data required by these tools to perform the 3D model reconstruction process are only the acquired images and some GCPs, since it is not even necessary to know a-priori the exterior orientation parameters of the cameras. In this case the alignment performed by Photoscan was used as input.


Pix4Dcapture will automatically start downloading images to our phone or tablet after capturing the mission's final photo or we can directly take the images from the micro SD card. We can keep our drone and remote controller on and connected to our phone or tablet to wirelessly download our images.
1.      Add Photos: Processing of images with PhotoScan or any other software  includes the following main steps: Loading photos into PhotoScan, inspecting loaded images, removing unnecessary images, aligning photos, building dense point cloud, building mesh (3D polygonal model),generating texture, building tiled model, building digital elevation model, building orthomosaic, exporting results.
2.      Loading and align photos: After adding Photos by given command from the Workflow menu we have to optimize the  added photos and then align them  according to the camera position ,it can be automatically performed by the software by clicking on ALIGN photo command in workspace pane 

                I.   Open Reference pane using the corresponding command from the View menu.

             II.   Click  Import button on the Reference pane toolbar and select the file containing camera positions information in the Open dialog.
   The easiest way is to load simple character-separated file (*.txt, *.csv) that contains x- and y-coordinates and height for each camera position (camera orientation data, i.e. pitch, roll and yaw values, could also be imported, but the data is not obligatory to reference the model).
In the Import CSV dialog indicate the delimiter according to the structure of the file and select the row to start loading from. Note that # character indicates a commented line that is not counted while numbering the rows. Indicate for the program what parameter is specified in each column through setting correct column numbers in the Columns section of the dialog. Also it is recommended to specify valid coordinate system in the corresponding field for the values used for camera centres data.
         III .Also to check our settings in the sample data field in Import CSV dialog.
Click OK button. The data will be loaded into the Reference pane.

3. Check Camera Calibration: Open Tools Menu → Camera Calibration window

By default PhotoScan estimates intrinsic camera parameters during the camera alignment and optimization steps based on the Initial values derived from EXIF. In case pixel size and focal length (both in mm) are missing in the image EXIF and therefore in the camera calibration.

window, they can be input manually prior to the processing according to the data derived from the camera and lens specifications.
If pre-calibrated camera is used, it is possible to load calibration data in one of the supported formats using Load button in the window. To prevent the pre-calibrated values from being adjusted by PhotoScan during processing, it is necessary to check on Fix Calibration flag.
PhotoScan can process the images taken by different cameras in the same project. In this case in the left frame of the Camera Calibration window multiple camera groups will appear, split by default according to the image resolution, focal length and pixel size. Calibration groups may also be split manually if it is necessary. In case ultra-wide or fisheye angle lens is used, it is recommended to switch camera type from Frame (default) to fisheye value prior to processing.

4. Point cloud generation and Building dense cloud-PhotoScan allows generating and visualizing a dense point cloud model. Based on the estimated camera positions the program calculates depth information for each camera to be combined into a single dense point cloud.

5. Building mesh-PhotoScan supports several reconstruction methods and settings, which help to produce optimal re-constructions for a given data set.

7. Building DEM-PhotoScan allows generating and visualizing a digital elevation model (DEM). A DEM represents a surface model as a regular grid of height values. DEM can be rasterized from a dense point cloud, a sparse point cloud or a mesh. Most accurate results are calculated based on dense point cloud data. PhotoScan enables to perform DEM-based point, distance, area, volume measurements as well as generate cross-sections fora part of the scene selected by the user.
8. Building orthomosaic-Orthomosaic export is normally used for generation of high resolution imagery based on the source photos and reconstructed model. The most common application is aerial photographic survey data processing, but it may be also useful when a detailed view of the object is required.

9. Export Orthomosaic

Select Export Orthomosaic → Export JPEG/TIFF/PNG command from File menu.
Set the following recommended values for the parameters in the Export Orthomosaic dialog

Projection: Desired coordinate system
Pixel size: desired export resolution (please note that for WGS84 coordinate system units should be specified in degrees. Use Meters button to specify the resolution in meters).
Split in blocks: 10000 x 10000 (if the exported area is large it is recommended to enable Split in Blocks feature, since the memory consumption is rather high at exporting stage)
Region: set the boundaries of the model's part that should be projected and presented as orthomosaic. Also polygonal shapes drawn in the ortho view and marked as boundaries will be taken into account for the orthomosaic export.
TIFF compression and JPEG quality should be specified according to the job requirements. Big TIFF format allows to overcome the TIFF file size limit for the large ortho-mosaics, but itis not supported by some applications.

III. Click Export... button and then specify target file name and select type of the exported file (e.g. GeoTIFF). 

IV. Click Save button to start ortho-mosaic generation.
15. Export DEM: Select Export DEM → Export GeoTIFF/BIL/XYZ command from File menu.
Projection: Desired coordinate system
No-data value: value for not visible points; should be specified according to the requirements of the post processing application.
Pixel size: desired export resolution
Split in blocks: 10000 x 10000 (if the exported area is large, it is recommended to enable Split in blocks feature, since the memory consumption is rather high at exporting stage)
Region: set the boundaries of the model's part that should be projected and presented as DEM. Also polygonal shapes drawn in the ortho view and marked as boundaries will be taken into account for the DEM export.
Click Export... button and then specify target file name and select type of the exported file (e.g. GeoTIFF).
Click Save button to start DEM generation.


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STEPS OF DATA PROCESSING FOR ANY UAV BASED WORK   All acquired images from digital camera were downloaded into the computer after f...